

臻觀設(shè)計(jì)| 超脫不凡 躍升蝶變


Xia jin Sunshine Jinxiu Exhibition Model Project

The creation of advanced sense is reflected in the use of color and the overall collocation. Large area display with low color and exquisite finishing touch are the most important to create a high-level sense.

▲  溫馨的一層客廳,在純色吊燈的妝點(diǎn)之下,高級感撲面而來。角落的散尾葵,以茂盛的姿態(tài),恣意生長。
Warm reception hall, in the pure color chandelier under the makeup, high-grade feeling. The sunflower in the corner grows wantonly in a luxuriant manner.

▲  精致感,在小小的桌上悄然體現(xiàn)。萌發(fā)的綠植,在白色沙發(fā)的襯托中,頗為得意。
Delicacy is quietly reflected on the small table. Germinating green plant, in the foil of white sofa, quite proud.

▲  兒童房設(shè)計(jì)的最大亮點(diǎn),在于其高度的融合性,將兒童的活潑與高級的內(nèi)斂,融合地恰到好處,高級中不乏溫馨的純真感。
The biggest highlight of children's room design lies in its high degree of integration, which integrates children's liveliness and high-level introverted appropriately, and there is no lack of warm and pure feeling in high-level.

▲  相比明朗的兒童房,主臥的設(shè)計(jì)增添了一份穩(wěn)重與內(nèi)斂。整體以低彩度的深咖色予以運(yùn)用,在金屬質(zhì)感的臺燈下,一份古樸的典雅與簡約的現(xiàn)代感得以完美展示。
Compared with the bright children's room, the design of the master bedroom adds a steady and introverted. The overall dark grey dark coffee color is used. Under the metal desk lamp, a simple elegance and simple modern sense can be perfectly displayed.

▲  工裝式書房,將匠心精神完美展現(xiàn)。無論是木質(zhì)的展架,抑或中規(guī)中矩的書桌,都將追求極致與完美的工匠精神展現(xiàn)出來。
Tooling style study, will be a perfect display of the spirit of ingenuity. Whether it's a wooden exhibition stand or a regular desk, the craftsman spirit of pursuing perfection and perfection will be displayed.

▲  駝色系,自帶高級感屬性,利落、精致,又不乏溫馨的情調(diào)。白色大理石臺柱的映襯之下,多了一份明亮與雅致。
Camel color system, with its own high-level attributes, neat, delicate, and there is no lack of warm atmosphere. The white marble pillars add brightness and elegance.

▲  疊加的背景墻,與環(huán)形氛圍燈的絕妙搭配,營造出溫馨與舒適的歸家之感,放松且親切,瞬然體會。
The superimposed background wall is perfectly matched with the circular atmosphere lamp to create a warm and comfortable feeling of returning home. It is relaxing and friendly, and can be experienced instantly.


?  項(xiàng)目檔案
項(xiàng)目名稱 | 夏津·陽光錦繡城下躍樣板間
硬裝設(shè)計(jì) | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計(jì)工程有限公司
軟裝設(shè)計(jì) | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計(jì)工程有限公司
完工時(shí)間 | 2021年5月
項(xiàng)目地點(diǎn) | 山東-夏津

上一篇:臻觀設(shè)計(jì) | 輕奢,重新定義不凡
下一篇:臻觀設(shè)計(jì)| 驚艷,豈止風(fēng)度
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