

臻觀設(shè)計(jì)| 驚艷,豈止風(fēng)度


Tai`an Donghai Long Yun Orange Modern Exhibition Model Project

▲  巨大的圓形鏡面,靜靜矗立在規(guī)整的背景墻上。鏡面所映射的曲線之美,使得整體畫面多了份柔和。
The huge round mirror stands quietly on the regular background wall. The beauty of the curve reflected by the mirror makes the whole picture more soft.

▲  白色大理石、深化橙色椅、咖色轉(zhuǎn)角柜,渾然天成般組合在一起,散發(fā)著紳士風(fēng)度的中性魅力,讓客廳的雅致感頓然而出。
White marble, orange chair and coffee corner cabinet are naturally combined together, which exudes the neutral charm of gentlemanly demeanor and makes the living room elegant.

▲  光線的躍動之下,透過薄紗的窗簾均勻地灑在客廳,來一次短暫的午后小憩,讓美好留念于心。
Under the light jump, through the curtain of the gauze evenly sprinkled in the living room, a short afternoon nap, let the good mind.

▲  紅酒與牛排,亦或是水餃與清粥,都在橙色裝飾畫的點(diǎn)綴之下,讓人增添一份食欲;而這精致的金屬質(zhì)餐桌,讓這餐美味愈發(fā)高級。
Red wine and steak, or dumplings and porridge, are embellished with orange decorative paintings, which add an appetite; And this exquisite metal table makes this meal delicious.

▲  “曲徑通幽,禪花深木”,在整體軟裝的渲染中,書房的古樸之感油然而生。
The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Zen house has deep flowers and trees. In the rendering of the overall soft decoration, the sense of simplicity of the study arises spontaneously.

▲  棱角分明的廚房里,多以流暢的線條予以點(diǎn)綴。平凡的煙火氣在這份規(guī)整的襯托下,多了份親切感。
The kitchen with sharp edges and corners is decorated with smooth lines. Ordinary pyrotechnic atmosphere in this regular set off, more of a sense of intimacy.

▲  藍(lán)色系的兒童房,以星辰大海、宇宙探索為主線,充分激發(fā)孩子的好奇心與探索欲。繁星之間,驅(qū)動前進(jìn)。
The blue children's room, with stars, sea and universe exploration as the main line, fully stimulates children's curiosity and desire for exploration. Among the stars, drive forward.

▲  靜謐恬淡的臥室,是精神與肉體的集中歸宿,所思所夢,都游離在這臥室里。
The quiet bedroom is the concentrated destination of spirit and body. All thoughts and dreams are floating in this bedroom.

?  項(xiàng)目檔案
項(xiàng)目名稱 | 泰安·東海泮河龍韻127戶型樣板間
硬裝設(shè)計(jì) | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計(jì)工程有限公司
軟裝設(shè)計(jì) | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計(jì)工程有限公司
完工時(shí)間 | 2021年5月
項(xiàng)目地點(diǎn) | 山東-泰安

上一篇:臻觀設(shè)計(jì)| 超脫不凡 躍升蝶變
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