

臻觀設(shè)計| 悅動精致優(yōu)雅

Sunshine Xiajin City 28# Exhibition Model Project

▲  明黃色的點綴,為華麗的客廳空間多了份熱情;由遠(yuǎn)及近的視覺層次感,為偌大的客廳增添了一份舒適的秩序之美。若隱若現(xiàn)的石膏線,充分展現(xiàn)出法式的高級感。
Bright yellow embellishment adds enthusiasm to the gorgeous living room space; The sense of visual hierarchy from far to near adds a comfortable beauty of order to the huge living room. The looming gypsum line fully shows the French high-level feeling.

▲  法式風(fēng)格自帶慵懶的自由屬性,而白色飄逸的羽毛與精致的高腳杯,破次元的組合讓這份隨性的自由得以充分表達(dá)。
The French style has its own lazy freedom attribute, and the combination of white elegant feathers and exquisite goblets makes this casual freedom fully expressed.

▲  客廳沒有選擇吊燈,轉(zhuǎn)而使用簡約的小頂燈作為點綴,將客廳的厚重感集中在地板之上,與頂部的留白協(xié)同出更加靈動的空間美。
Instead of choosing chandeliers, the living room uses simple small ceiling lamps as ornaments to focus the heaviness of the living room on the floor and cooperate with the white space on the top to create a more flexible space beauty.

▲  為了避免局促感而采用的玻璃鏡面裝飾,狹長的走廊也因此更加明亮開闊。
In order to avoid the cramped feeling, the glass mirror decoration is adopted, and the narrow corridor is brighter and wider.

▲  書房采用靜雅的暗綠色系,簡潔的書桌、齊整的書架,營造出一份嚴(yán)密而又穩(wěn)重的書香氣韻。
The study adopts quiet and elegant dark green system, simple desk and neat bookshelf to create a rigorous and stable scholarly charm.

▲  神秘的黑色系臥室背景墻,融合素雅的淺咖色內(nèi)飾,法式風(fēng)情的慵懶與浪漫悄然而現(xiàn),一份象征自由與無限遐想的空間正徐徐開啟。
The mysterious black bedroom background wall integrates the simple and elegant light coffee interior, and the laziness and romance of French style quietly appear. A space symbolizing freedom and infinite reverie is slowly opening.

▲  兒童臥室運用藍(lán)色調(diào),充分激發(fā)孩子的探索欲與好奇心。同時,藍(lán)色也是穩(wěn)重與勇敢的代表色,一份寄予孩子的希冀體現(xiàn)地恰到好處。
Children's bedroom uses blue tone to fully stimulate children's desire for exploration and curiosity. At the same time, blue is also a representative color of steadiness and courage, and the hope placed on children is just right.

▲  精致的擺臺所凸顯的格調(diào),讓家庭的氣息多了份期待與向往。
The style highlighted by the exquisite platform makes the family look forward to and yearn for more.

?  項目檔案
項目名稱 | 夏津陽光錦繡城28#樣板間
硬裝設(shè)計 | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計工程有限公司
軟裝設(shè)計 | 山東臻觀裝飾設(shè)計工程有限公司
完工時間 | 2021年5月
項目地點 | 山東-夏津
上一篇:臻觀設(shè)計| 驚艷,豈止風(fēng)度
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